get rich crooked hillary #4

Can we all agree that Hillary is a one percenter, an elitist, a hypocrite, and a despot in a Mao Zedong suit?  She crushes the human spirit by her pandering to one group over another; by burying business and the entrepreneur with heavy burdens and regulations; by taking from one American and giving it to another.  A despot robs rugged-individualism, ingenuity, and personal responsibility while simultaneously amasses great personal wealth.  $21 million in personal wealth from speeches alone.  And for what?  For pandering and selling influence to all these co’s listed in these last 4 posts.

I am a capitalist; I promote and support the desire to earn as much money as a person lawfully can.  Famous people give speeches; former presidents and politicians give speeches; I have no problem with that.  However, when it comes to crooked Hillary and that big dummy husband of hers pulling in $150 million in speeches since 2001, you must ask yourself, “WHAT DO THESE 2 GAS BAGS HAVE TO SAY THAT’S WORTH $150 million DOLLARS?”  Their gas stinks real bad!!